Cardio-oncology: heart care for cancer patients

Cancer survival rates are improving each year. Now, more than 15 million people with a history of cancer are alive today.

This is wonderful news, but it also creates new considerations for people who are surviving cancer. Cancer treatment, while lifesaving, can be damaging to other parts of the body, especially the heart. Additionally, many who are going through or have gone through cancer treatment have several other conditions placing stress on the heart.

Some of the heart complications cancer patients experience include:

  • Arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats)
  • Heart failure (HF)
  • High blood pressure
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Myocarditis
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Pericardial disease
  • Thromboembolism

A specialized field called cardio-oncology has developed to meet the needs of this population.

Coordinated cardio-oncology support

Denver Heart provides cardiovascular support for oncology patients before, during and after treatment. Our services include any combination of the following:

  • Risk factor assessment
  • Pre-existing cardiovascular condition treatment/management
  • Regular monitoring during treatment
  • Any heart care needs that arise during treatment
  • Follow up for high-risk patients
  • Treatment for cancer survivors with cardiac damage
  • Advanced cardiovascular imaging

To learn more about cardio-oncology at Denver Heart, contact us at (303) 331-9121.